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5 Ways to Make Your Blog So Irresistible That People Would Have To Write For You

Everyone needs free content once in a while and what better way to do that than do open your site for guest blogging. It's a win-win situation. You get a free informative article that gets you lots of traffic and the Guest Blogger gets exposure and a link back to your site. The problem is that people don't juts guest blog on any site, they are very picky even though they want free links. They also want to write for a blog that gives good targetted ad quality traffic...

Now how do you make your site more appealing to guest bloggers? It's simple, follow these steps below....

  1. Get yourself an attractive Theme/Template: A basic template just won't do. It shows you don't care about what your site looks like and this will not bring in more bloggers. If you are on WordPress, there are a lot of free and awesome templates you can get your hands on although paid ones are 5 times more attractive. The main point is that you should get something decent looking. If you are using Blogger, I have some templates on this site that I am giving away for free.
  2. Update your blog frequently: This shows your blog has a pulse and guest bloggers would happily give you free content if they see that it has a high chance of being read. Don't leave your blog idle for more than a month or you face certain blogging death. Frequent updating will not only help you get more followers and guest bloggers, it will also help your SERPs(Search Engine Result Page) especially with Google.
  3. Never Steal Content: Please do not steal content and claim it as your own. In the case that you do have to use someone else's content and they are not guest blogging. Give them the right credit. If a potential Guest Poster recognizes some of your content as stolen, they will look down on your site and probably never visit your blog again. Is it worth it? Think about it.
  4. Build relationships with your readers: Interact with them. Get on a semi-personal level with them. Make them feel like you really care about solving whatever problems they have. Yo can do this by replying to comments and sparking up a conversation. It's really easy actually.
  5. Don't  over-stuff your page with links: When your blog is full of external outbound(out of site) links, someone may not want to guest blog because that would mean sharing all the link juice with hundreds of other links. Keep a few outbound links and people will most likely feel like blogging for you.
Basically that's it. So show me some love and bookmark this page with your favorite site or just hit it with a Facebook like or Tweet. I would really appreciate it. :)