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5 ways to get a free traffic overload

1)      Make your site search engine friendly

Another word that professionals use to describe making a site search engine friendly is Search Engine Optimization. Search engines are an unlimited free traffic. If you want to make your blog successful, you have to optimize your site to rank well for your chosen keywords. Doing SEO takes work, dedication and patience unless you want to hire others to do this for you. SEO done right can be an invaluable source of free traffic. SEO isn’t a very difficult task and it can be divided into two categories.

  •       On Page SEO: On page SEO is things you do to your site to make it search engine friendly. This can be anything from layout to color and overall design.

  •       Off page SEO: Off page SEO is things you to off your site. This can be gathering links, blog commenting…etc.

By doing both on page and off page SEO, you will find your search engine rankings and free blog traffic increase dramatically.

2)      Update Content often

When you update your content often, you start to get higher rankings, the reason being your site is seen as alive which is highly favored by search engines, especially Google. This will definitely get you a lot of free traffic.

3)      Take full of advantage of your Twitter and Facebook account for enormous amount of free traffic

These sites are free to join and are social which means there are a lot of users interacting with each other. Use this to your advantage for free traffic. Build a large number of loyal fans and followers and be prepared for more free traffic than you can handle.

4)      Give away something free

Giving something free is attractive to readers. Give away something free and word will spread and you will get a large amount of free targeted traffic.

5)      Promote your blog offline

Offline promotion is also a big way to gain traffic. Make shirts with your blogs address on it. If you have a band, mention it in your song. Basically do whatever it takes to get the word out and sit back, relax and bask in all the free traffic you generate.

What strategies do you use to drive traffic?

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