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7 Ways To Get More Visitors For The Lazy Ass Blogger

Blogging takes time and patience. Gradually building your blog and getting traffic to it takes time.

But what if you want visitors right now? You are tired of the whole long term thing and you want to see your traffic stats skyrocket! What do you do?

1. Ask your readers to share your post: There's no shame in asking for something you want. There is a saying that says " If you don't ask, the answer is always no ". So ask your readers to share your stuff on some of the social networks and you should see a spike in traffic.

2. Share Your Old Posts: You could have written an amazing post a while back that you know gathered a lot of attention. Why not share it again. I recommend using a popular posts widget or simply rewriting the article and adding a bit of new information to it. Then re-share it on social networks and bookmarking sites. Chances are lightning will strike twice.

3. Blog Commenting: Choose when and where to comment. It is best to comment on a blog that has a new post and be one of the first because these comments receive the most traffic. You should also leave some sort of contribution. Don't go for the usual spammy, "Great post!" approach because chances are it is not going to get published.

4. Write On Something Current: You want fast traffic? Write about something current, something everyone else is talking about. Write a post add your two cents and publish it. You are probably going to get a piece of that traffic. If you want to know what's trending. Go to sites like Alltop, Yahoo or even Twitter.

5. Get Advertising: I am usually against paying for advertising, but for the purpose of this post, it is essential. Pay for  advertising on a top site in you niche or a site like Google, Facebook or Stumble Upon. These are high traffic sites and there is a high traffic and you can funnel away at some of this traffic.

6. Use Trackback: Read a big blog and write a post about one of  their post. Add your two cents and add a link from your post to theirs. Just make sure the blog you are linking to uses trackback. If your content is relevant it should receive a good number of clicks because trackbacks are shown before comments

7. Write An Amazing Post: I know this sounds a little vague but i'm going to say it again WRITE AN AMAZING POST!!!! When you write something amazing and uniquely different. People are most likely going to share it. It is what I call, "The Law Of Share". Mark Zuckerberg understood the concepts in the beginning of Facebook, that is why he was able to achieve such success. So for your next post try to think differently and write the best post you have ever written.

What ways do you use to get visitors? We love to learn....

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